"Ghetto" schools: a challenge for the right to education
Although Spanish authorities do not collect systematic data on the national origins of the students enrolled in primary and secondary schools, a numer of reports have pointed out that several cities are faced with high rates of ethnic segregation in the educational sphere. In order to promote a better understanding and management of this phenomenon, Javier García Medina, professor of Legal Philosophy at the University of Valladolid, and Jaime Bonet Navarro, professor of Ecclesiastical Law at the University of Valencia, will offer a seminar entitled "Ghetto schools: a challenge for the right to education", on 6 May at 10:30 am.
This activity is part of the Seminar series on conflicts, multiculturalism and public policy: case studies, and will be hosted by Ángeles Solanes, professor of Legal Philosophy at the University of Valencia. It will take place in the auditorium of Valencia University's Faculty of Social Sciences and will be open to the public.
After making reference to some historical antecedents, Jaime Bonet will analyse the relevant Spanish law (the Constitution, international treaties, organic laws and cooperation agreements with religious organisations), with a focus on Article 27 of the Constitution and the case law of the Constitutional Court that defines the right to education and distinguishes it from academic freedom. Relatedly, he will address the right of parents to choose the type of education they wish their children to receive, with all its concomitant problems and conflicts; the freedom to found and finance educational establishments; the right to academic freedom and its link to school ethos; and religious teaching at different educational levels.
Subsequently, Javier García Medina will identify current human rights standards regarding the right to education, non-discrimination and equality. Starting from these premises, he will address a series of concrete educational situations in order to analyse their origins as well as to highlight some instruments and projects that could neutralise the impact of ghetto schools.