The Intercultural Community Intervention Project, launched by Fundación Obra Social La Caixa in 2010 and currently implemented in 39 Spanish regions, has become a model of good practice in the area of mediation and diversity management. Carlos Giménez Romero, professor of social anthropology at Madrid's Universidad Autónoma and the project's scientific director, will share the lessons learned on 5 April at 16:30 pm, in the conference entitled "Local communities, interculturalism and the potential of mediation: The experience of a cohesion-building project in high-diversity areas". The activity will be open to the public in the auditorium of the Social Sciences Faculty at the University of Valencia (Tarongers Campus).

The relationship between human rights and religions has been an ongoing legal, political and social concern since the dawn of modernity. In recent years, a series of headlines have brought this issue to the fore, often with a focus on Muslim communities residing in Europe and surrounding regions. In a dissemination session entitled "Human rights and religion: an impossible coexistence?", which will be held at the Law Faculty of Valencia University on 23 February, several specialists will assess the current situation and its implications for the promotion of human rights. This activity is organized within the "Innorights" and "Human rights, multicultural societies and conflicts" projects, both coordinated by professor Ángeles Solanes at the Human Rights Institute.

Following the publication of her edited book Cultural diversity and conflicts in the European Union: Legal and political implications [Diversidad cultural y conflictos en la Unión Europea: implicaciones jurídico-políticas], professor Ángeles Solanes participated in a current affairs program broadcast by Radio Valencia on Febrary 1st. In her interview with Fani Grande, she explained the aims of the research project "Human rights, multicultural societies and conflicts" (Multihuri) and its role in steering public debates and policies dealing with cultural tensions and inequalities. She also stressed the importance of addressing these issues from a cross-national and interdisciplinary perspective and announced her intention to extend the geographic scope of Multihuri to Canada and the UK (in addition to Spain, France and Italy), while collaborating closely with local actors.

To listen to the interview (in Spanish), click here.

After an intense year of preparation, Tirant lo Blanch has published a collective book entitled Cultural diversity and conflicts in the European Union: Legal and political implications [Diversidad cultural y conflictos en la Unión Europea: implicaciones jurídico-políticas], edited by Ángeles Solanes, professor of Legal Philosophy at the University of Valencia. The volume brings together the contributions of nine members of the research project "Human rights, multicultural societies and conflicts" as well as invited authors from the University of Nantes and the University of Oxford. Throughout its 286 pages, it sheds a critical and timely light on vital issues such as local policies in globalised European cities, normative conflicts in the family sphere, manifestations of inter-ethnic violence and the role of cinema as a tool to understand the other. It also reflects on the importance of human rights as a guide to action and a unifying mechanism in order to safeguard pluralism and avoid the stigmatisation and criminalisation of difference.

To consult the index (in Spanish) and purchase the book, click here.

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