Right to health: between universality and exclusion
In the context of the Spanish economic crisis, one of the main obstacles for the integration of foreign nationals has been the limitation of its economic and social rights, including the right to healthcare. The scope and impact of these restrictions will be scrutinised on Tuesday 21 April during the seminar on "Right to health: between universality and exclusion", with Carlos Lema, professor of Legal Philosophy at Carlos III University in Madrid, and Rafael Sotoca, president of Doctors of the World in the Valencian Community.
Local communities, interculturalism and the potential of mediation
The Intercultural Community Intervention Project, launched by Fundación Obra Social La Caixa in 2010 and currently implemented in 39 Spanish regions, has become a model of good practice in the area of mediation and diversity management. Carlos Giménez Romero, the project's scientific director and a social anthropology professor at Madrid's Universidad Autónoma, will share the lessons learned on 3 March at 5 pm, in the conference entitled "Local communities, interculturalism and the potential of mediation: The experience of a cohesion-building project in high-diversity areas". The activity will be open to the public in the auditorium of the Gregori Maians Social Sciences Library at the University of Valencia (Tarongers Campus).
Quebec and Canada: models (and experiments) in the governance of diversity and identity
Pierre Bosset, professor of public law and the University of Quebec in Montreal, will be in Valencia on 4 March in order to deliver a lecture on the Quebecer and Canadian models of diversity governance. Since the proclamation of multiculturalism as official policy in 1971, Canadian authorities have led the way in the reconciliation of cultural pluralism with the promotion of social cohesion and justice. The presentation will start at 7 pm in Rector Peset residence hall.
Democracy and participation: the power of citizenship
Ángeles Solanes, professor of law at Valencia University and director of R&D project "Human rights, multicultural societies and conflicts", imparted a lecture on "Democracy and participation: the power of citizenship" on 25 February, within Cullera's University and Society program. Based on the City of Cullera's commitment to lifelong education, the program is aimed at the population over 30 with a motivation to learn and interest in culture. The conference series takes place throughout the academic year at the municipal hall and is open to the general public.